Writing and Poetry


I am writing today to say wow! Who knew retirement could be so busy. I have been to Italy, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico, Missouri, Iowa. and Minnesota in a matter of 3 months. I have had my poetry manuscript professionally edited, once for grammar and once for the works. My projected launch date is March 8th, 2024.

My writing endeavors continue to grow and diversify. I found that I enjoy writing haikus because they are generally about nature and I love discovering hidden gems in our world.

Today will I share the haikus I wrote during a great retreat with my Kansas Author’s Club family and an ABC Halloween Poem.

(Nature’s Dance)

Man, striding briskly.

No time for frivolity.

Missing nature’s dance.


Luscious purple blooms,

Shimmering droplets of dew,

Reflecting the sky.

(Solitary Mann)

Solitary Man,

Walking, hands shoved in pockets,

Drinking morning brew.


Water rippling swift

Soon to mate with white foam sea

Man, and wind full sail


Green leaves shimmering,

Stirred by the soft morning breeze,

Soon umber and orange.

Halloween ABC’s

Abundance of pumpkins

Black cats and more

Creatures of the dark

Dracula and dragons

Emerge from imaginations

Finding footing in reality

Gargoyles and giants

Horrors and hounds

Inky black-eyed ghouls

Jumping out to frighten

Kids parading from house to house

Little ones as

Mermaids and Merlin’s

Night noises surround them

Opening their bags of loot

Princesses and Pirates

Quarry, “Trick or Treat?”

Reaching into the sugary bounty

Searching for favored treats

Tomorrow will bring bellyaches

Upset mothers will groan,

Vow to limit

What they eat and where they go

X-rays assure they will survive

Zombies’ will come next year

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